This page is focused on the project BORE – The substance and colours of sustainable regional development in Croatia which will be implemented throughout 48 months (31. 12. 2023.- 31. 12. 2027.) and will be financially supported by the NextGenerationEU program. The goals of the project are to explore sustainable solutions for balanced socio-economic development which promotes innovative, digital, green and environmentally sustainable and resilient solutions as well as to confirm the importance of culture for overall development and psychological wellbeing of individuals and the society with the aim of solving problems in the society and recognizing fully its role in public policies.

In the framework of the project research will be conducted related to sustainable development by way of focusing on the environmental, economic, social and cultural segment of development on the global and national level. Knowledge and understanding of new development themes in society and economy which are relevant for sustainable regional development in Croatia will be the core of our research. New concepts and approaches will be introduced with the aim of enabling prompt scientific research response related to key necessary changes relevant for sustainable environmental, social, economic local and regional development as well as sustainable development by way of culture.


CORK – Centar za održivi razvoj kroz kulturu

About centre

CSDC- Center for Sustainable Development through Culture

CSDC- The Center for Sustainable Development through Culture (CORK – Centar za održivi razvoj kroz kulturu) promotes innovative holistic approaches in studying culture with the aim of sustainable development. In this case, culture is examined through its intrinsic (what culture is per se) and instrumental value (its role in the development of other areas). The research focuses on topics such as cultural tourism, creative industries, cultural heritage, innovations in culture and social innovations, experience economy and behavioral economics in the field of culture.

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