BORE – The substance and colours of sustainable regional development in Croatia

Project duration: 2024 – 2027
Naručitelj: Ministry of Science, Education and Youth
Web page CroRIS:
The project aims to establish a scientifically based framework for identifying sustainable solutions for balanced social, economic, environmental, and cultural development in the Republic of Croatia at both the local and regional level. It will focus on promoting digital, green, and resilient development solutions as well as on empowering key stakeholders for their effective implementation.
The project is based on the hypothesis that researching sustainable governance of development resources must be approached by way of using new approaches, concepts, and governance models in a holistic, participatory, and integrated manner. This involves considering all aspects of development simultaneously, understanding their interdependence and mutual influences, as well as the complementarity of related development policies, segments, and areas.
The project will be implemented within three main work packages (WP):
- WP 1: Sustainable environment, local and regional economic and social development
- WP 2: Sustainable development through culture
- WP 3: Resilience in the context of sustainable development
The main focus areas for scientific research tasks across all work packages include:
- Presenting and discussing research results with Croatian and foreign scientists and experts through round tables and conferences aiming at facilitating scientific networking (scientific networking with Croatian and foreign experts),
- Presenting and discussing research results with key stakeholders on all levels (relevant ministries, counties, cities, public administration, entrepreneurs, civil society) aiming to create the basis for developing scientifically based and operative recommendations for their further actions,
- Formulating research results and policy recommendations for stakeholders based on research findings,
- Transferring research results to undergraduate and postgraduate, as well as doctoral students and interested public (lectures, panels, all forms of education) with the aim of promoting knowledge transfer and popularization of science,
- Publishing research findings and results in relevant scientific and other journals, books, textbooks, manuals, etc., contributing to their accessibility to the wider public.